Monday 6 June 2011

MAKEUP LOOKS: a collection from the last few weeks __MakeuPanda

I must start this post with an apology- I have been gone awhile, I know! Unfortunately I had 5 A level exams to deal with... But now I'm free! With plenty of time to focus on my make-up ;)

So! On to the post!
I'm going to post a few looks that I've done since my last post.. I've been collecting photos but not updating my blog, so here's my last-two-weeks-or-so in photos! Haha.
Firstly, a quite old photo of a look which I never posted here, so I thought I would share it with you!

A blue and gold look, I THINK I used mac eyeshadows for this but to be honest it's a while ago!
And a matching dress from Matalan, how lovely...

Next, a drag-queen kind og look I created whilst playing around with makeup the other night, hope you like! (I really need to purchase something which covers my eyebrows better than pritt-stick...)

Next is a soft smokey brown look.
Please excuse messy bedroom floor...

And now on to a classic red lip and lined eye:
My beloved Blackberry and a not-so-great case :s

My red lip is Daredevil by Topshop with my red liptar in NSFW.

Finally, an old photo:
Hahaha..cute gothy.
Which look do you like the best?

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